1933-1945 World War II
Europe & Pacific
HD footage of the world's greatest and most climactic conflict. Heavy concentration on the United States involvement in the war from the earliest years to 1945. Also, an exclusive and emotional collection of footage set in 1930s Nazi Germany detailing the "Night of the Long Knives" assassinations and "Night and Fog" directives ordered by Hitler to capture and kill his enemies -- rounding up women and children onto trains.
Footage heavily covers the actions of the German Army on the Russian front and in France… Japanese army and snipers in the Pacific as well as tanks and trucks… The Battle of the Bulge and Battle of Seelow Heights. United States Marine Raiders and OSS spies. Russian Special Forces and Audie Murphy. As well as segregated African-American soldiers in combat.
For more information and to view the footage, send us a message via our contact page for more information, and to access our on-line library of this exclusive HD footage..