1610 Jamestown - Pocahontas & John Smith - 1620 Plimouth
Footage in both High-Definition and 4K telling the story of Jamestown during the first landings of Englishmen in 1607 under the leadership of Captain John Smith. The meeting and life with Pocahontas and he native Powhatan tribes in recreated vividly in authentic, original locations and with incredibly detailed costumes and props. We feature footage of a young Pocahontas as well as her years married to John Rolfe with the new Christian name, Rebecca.
Pocahontas' life with her Native American tribe as well as interactions with John Smith and the English Colonists. An exclusive collection featuring rare historical authenticity and detail.
Plimouth (Plymouth) and New England Puritan settlers circa 1620 and Plimouth Colony and Plantation.
Send us a message via our contact page for more information, and to access our on-line library of this exclusive HD footage.